Five Song Friday is taking two weeks off.
Fresh emails and new music will return to your inbox on July 19th.
It is summer and I am going on the road and into the woods.
Five Song Friday will return on July 19th.
In the meantime, I will be sitting still and staring at trees in the hopes they let their guard down and reveal their true selves.
My theory is they only act silent and majestically motionless while humans are not around. I believe trees love the sound of their own voices.
And I think the natural sound of the forest is less “bird songs and tranquility” and more “crowded cocktail party kitchen at 1am.”
If I hang out long enough, they will spill their secrets.
And all their ancient wisdom will be mine.
Unless it’s all just petty tree gossip, bullshit stories about getting struck by lightning and complaining about chronic root pain.
In which case I will return disappointed and disheartened about nature, but otherwise refreshed and ready to send weekly missives of meandering copy and questionable music.
Thanks for reading. Hope you’re having a super-duper summer.
DJ CrankyPete
Still need music for your earholes?
Here are links to the Five Song Friday Year One and Year Two playlists…