Five Song Friday: We Have a People Problem
This Week: Petty Theft, Double Dutch and Arthropod Awkwardness
I like to believe we’re all here for a reason.
But I’m almost positive that the reason is not to shoot innocent people.
It’s been another long week of bad news, sad news and warnings from network anchors that “what you’re about to watch may be disturbing.”
All due respect to Lester Holt, but there’s no MAY about it.
It’s absolutely disturbing. And disgusting. And overwhelming.
But I guess mass shootings are just a thing now.
Which is a horrible sentence to write, and an even worse thing to say out loud.
Unfortunately, I’ve done both lately.
Because the sad truth is that when I turn on the TV news these days, I’m not surprised when the first thing I see is a live shot of cops jogging in bulletproof vests.
But I’m not here to talk about guns.
Every time this happens, my first thought is not about the weapon. It’s about the sick human person who pulled the trigger.
Why did they wake up ready to murder? What was it that pushed them over the line that so many of us stay well behind for our whole lives?
Was it mental illness? Emotional instability? Anger mismanagement?
Are these fragile and broken people who just fall through the cracks? Are they pre-programmed to violently self-destruct?
Or do we secretly encourage it?
Maybe we see them walking toward the cracks and say nothing.
Maybe we even push them.
You always hear about the family, friends and neighbors of shooters saying “they never saw this coming.” But maybe they weren’t even looking.
Maybe none of us were.
There are 8 billion people on this planet and most of us spend our time thinking about only one.
And we’re becoming more isolated every day. More obsessed with the screens in our pockets. Less connected to our community.
Once we get those smart glasses and everyday, casual wear VR headsets, it’s going to get even worse. People will literally be off in their own worlds.
Eventually we’ll shed our sense of empathy like a vestigial tail.
The total number of people we consider total strangers will skyrocket.
It’s going to get super weird.
And super lonely.
Bummer, right? You probably wondering if there’s anything we can do.
The Overwhelming Cynic in me believes that our future date with dystopia is set.
We love ourselves and our technology too much to turn back now. We’re most definitely on the fast track to a Blade Runner/Road Warrior third act.
But that seems like a really depressing note to end on.
So instead, I’ll leave you with a thought from my Insecure Optimist.
If he had the courage, he’d tell that Overwhelming Cynic to shut his idiot mouth and start paying more attention to people.
He would tell you to take your ego out for a long walk on a short pier.
Pull your head out of your back door and realize that we’re all in this together.
Be kinder. Be open. Be present.
And for God’s sake, please stop shooting people.
DJ CrankyPete
Five Song Friday 058
“Pickpocket” - Fujiya & Miyagi
I thought I had my wallet stolen in New York City once. When I reached back to pay for something, there was nothing in my rear right pocket. I panicked and yelled for security to “LOCK IT ALL DOWN.” They assured me that no officer would rest until the pickpocket perpetrator could be found and punched in the nose. I remember it was a tense 20 minutes inside the M&Ms Store. It got even more tense when I realized my wallet was in my left rear pocket. My bad!
“Brandy of the Damned” - Nickel Eye
Nickel Eye is the solo side project of Nikolai Fraiture, who is the bassist for The Strokes. I get it. Sometimes you need to stretch your wings and express yourself outside of the confines of your wildly popular day job. Sometimes you want to trade your garage-rock, post-punk-rock for some country-tinged, post-punk rock. It makes sense. I feel that way all the time.
“Two Girls ” - Stuurbaard Bakkebaard
Stuurbaard Bakkebaard is a Dutch band. Stuurbaard Bakkebaard is also the name of my favorite IKEA bookshelf. That’s it. That’s my joke.
“Centipedes” - Baxter Dury, Delilah Holiday, Etienne de Crecy
“I want you to be full of centipedes,” she says. “No thank you,” I reply. “That sounds incredibly weird and unpleasant.” She asks again nicely, but again I decline. The rest of the visit never rises above that level of awkward. This lady is the worst dentist ever.
“The Beigeness” - Kae Tempest
Look, there is no way to really explain what Kae Tempest does in a few sentences. It’s best if you listen and read for yourself. Kae is a writer, a poet and also a music person. This song comes in the middle of an album called Everybody Down, which tells the tough luck story of a character called Becky with a deft blend of hip-hop spitting and spoken word slam.
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That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!
“The universe is making music all the time.” ― Tom Waits
Pete, thanks for so eloquently saying what I think many, many people are feeling. You nailed it!